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Creative Arts and Crafts ideas for Parshas Beshalach for Preschool

Parshas Beshalach contains so many beautiful themes. We feed the birds on this shabbos to show our gratittude to the little birds for eating up all of the Manna that was spread out on Shabbos. I like this craft because it involves the kids in the traditions of the week. I have the most marvelous memory of looking out the window on a cold Beshalach Shabbos and waiting for the birds to come and taste the treats we laid out for them.

To make crafting easy for you, I gathered all materials you need for this craft into my Amazon Storefront. (Note: I do make a small commision when you purchase using my link. This is one way you can support my work so I can keep bringing these ideas to you weekly.)

Bird Feeder Craft for Parshas Beshalach and Shabbos Shira:

Creative Arts and Crafts ideas for Parshas Beshalach for Preschool

This easy bird feeder craft is perfect for little hands and makes a great project for Shabbos Shira!

Materials Needed:

  • Small paper cup

  • Birdseed

  • Hole punch

  • Yarn or ribbon (about 12 inches long)

  • Markers, stickers, or crayons for decorating

  • Glue (optional for adding extra decorations)


  1. Decorate the Cup.

    • Using markers, crayons, or stickers.

    • They can draw birds, flowers, or any Shabbos Shira theme.

  2. Punch Holes for the Handle

    • Using a hole punch, make two holes on opposite sides near the rim of the cup.

    • Make sure the holes are big enough for the yarn or ribbon to pass through.

  3. Attach the Handle

    • Thread a piece of yarn or ribbon through both holes.

    • Tie a knot at each end to secure it. This will allow the bird feeder to be hung from a tree branch.

  4. Fill with Birdseed

    • Add a small amount of birdseed into the cup.

  5. Hang and Enjoy!

    • Hang the bird feeder outside on a tree or porch.

    • Watch the birds come and enjoy their special Shabbos Shira treat!

    Let us know if the birds came to visit your feeder.


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